The mega Winter Festival event is starting on December 21. During this event Ice Queen will be visiting Kingdoms of Puzzle Breakers and with a bit of luck you should be able to add her to your team of Heroes.
The Winter Festival will have several activities available for all players. Complete quests to earn Golden Pinecones and Snowflakes. Use those to grow the Christmas Tree that appeared at your castle gates and get valuable rewards.
With a bit of luck and persistence players will be able to recruit a new Hero — Ice Queen, and also obtain a unique avatar.
The Christmas Tree not only allows you to collect presents, but it also levels up for each 350 Golden Pinecones spent. As soon as the Christmas Tree reaches level 31, players will become eligible to participate in a unique contest. Compete with other players for another unique avatar, Trainers, Giant Particles and various battle items. Depending on how fast you will be able to grow the Christmas Tree to level 31, you will enter one of the three contest groups:
- Exclusive
- Mythical
- Rare
Each group will have its own quality and quantity of rewards.
NOTE! Two days prior to the Winter Festival standard contests will become temporarily unavailable.
Moreover, leveling up the Christmas Tree will fill up a special bar that will eventually grant Snowflakes to the players.
Snowflakes is a special type of currency that can be spent in the special Festival Shop, where players can find shards of the new Hero, rare Training Dummies, new avatar and many more.
Active players who visit the game every day will be able to collect yet another unique avatar.
There will be various special offers available during the Winter Festival, where players will be able to purchase extra event resources and other valuable items.
The Winter Festival is a great opportunity to give presents to your clan members. A unique special offer will be available during the event; purchasing this special offer will grant all your clan members special presents that will be sent via the in-game mail.
Also, players' favorite chests will be available — the ones with valuable resources inside and a chance to receive the same chest with even more resources.
Three additional events will be held during the Winter Festival:
- Way of the Hero, where players will get rewards for leveling up the Ice Queen. This will be a perfect opportunity to strengthen the Hero, receive a new avatar and get extra rewards including another copy of the Hero for future increase of the star ranking.
- Gift Shop that will become available on the 8th day of the Winter Festival. Open special festival chests, collect Mystical Pinecones and use them in the now available Gift Shop. Pinecones can also be obtained in various special offers.
- Festival Gifts — earn VIP points and collect extra resources for the Winter Festival.
High-level talents can now be unlocked using Gems.
Let's say you have a 5-star Hero. You can't increase their star ranking to 6 right now, but you really want to make them more powerful. You can spend a certain amount of Gems and unlock the 6-star talents while the Hero will remain with a star ranking of 5.
Several important things to note:
- The Special Skill of the Hero will not become more powerful.
- Using the talent reset option will reset all currently unlocked talents, but you won't have to spend Gems again to access higher level talents.
- If you exchange the Hero in the Laboratory, talents will be fully transferred to a new Hero.
- Unlocking tier talents that exceed the Hero's maximum star ranking is not possible. For example, if the maximum star ranking of a Hero is 9, unlocking 10-star talents is impossible.
It is now possible to upgrade a talisman or change its stats while retaining the exclusive quality. For this, two new types of currencies will be required: Blacksmith's Hammer and Blacksmith Tokens that can be acquired during Lucky Talisman events.
- Blacksmith's Hammer will allow upgrading a talisman and keep its exclusive quality.
- Blacksmith Token will help change the stats of a talisman without losing its exclusive quality.
Previously purchasing items with Gems during Precious Gems event and other sales did not have an extra confirmation window and this could lead to unintended spendings. Now, there is an extra window available where players can choose how many items they would like to purchase and make a confirmation.
Significant visual and technical improvements were introduced to make the playing experience even better.