Born amidst the icy deserts of the far north, where celestial streams converge from across the universe, Bjorn honed his skills under their luminous glow and battled dangerous giants for years. Recently bestowed with newfound abilities, this towering hero is now known as Bjorn the Galactic Defender!
Bjorn the Galactic Defender Hero skin provides the following bonuses:
- At the start of each round, there is a certain chance to activate a Special Skill with no mana cost. A Special Skill activated this way will target the enemy with the most mana but will deal only a portion of its total damage
- New visuals for both the Hero catalogue and the battlefield, as well as a new avatar
NOTE! The new Hero skin can be equipped after the Hero reaches level 140.
This can be done via the Hero menu or the inventory.
Hero skins are stored in the inventory and can be changed at any time.
Moreover, a new artifact has been forged to further increase the potential of the Hero:
Artifact — Cosmic Carp |
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