Embark on a journey through the uncharted territories of the Wild West where no man has set foot before! Untold riches are yours for the taking in our new event — Gold Rush. Traverse vast prairies and delve deep into mines to stockpile treasures in your royal treasury.
But remember, not everything that glitters is gold. Two new Heroes are eager to bolster your ranks! Discover them in the prairies and elevate the might of your Kingdom.
The new event will begin on August 18 and will last for 12 days. All players that have completed the New Player Event will be able to participate.
The new event consists of two parts.
Part I
Complete event quests to receive Horseshoes and travel further through the prairies.
Some areas will reveal resources and a special event currency — Gold Ingots.
Sooner or later your exploration will lead you to a Gold or a Diamond Mine where the most precious and valuable rewards can be found.
And of course, the most persistent and lucky will be able to get a new Hero — Ginger! Her hot temper will surely make your enemies wish to not have crossed paths with this deadly combatant.
Players will also be able to get unique items for Ginger during the event.
- Increases the damage of the Special Skill
- Ignites attacked enemies and deals additional damage for several next rounds
- In the Defending Team: curses a random enemy after a default attack. The curse blocks the ability to gain mana for 1 round
- Using the Special Skill has a chance to bind enemies and block them from any movement for several rounds
Unique event
There will be a special upgrade event with the goal to level up Ginger as well as her talisman and artifact.
The most dedicated Rulers can obtain a very special equipment set that increases the damage of Ginger's Special Skill for every targeted enemy.
Part II
During the second part of the adventure you will begin to find a new type of currency — Owl Feathers.
Owl Feathers can be used as an offering to the Owl Totem which also becomes available now. Please the spirit of the totem and get valuable rewards as well as a new Hero — Orwind! With ages of wisdom fueling him, Orwind rejuvenates allies and diminishes the potency of foes' attack and defense buffs.
Players will also be able to get unique items for Orwind during the event.
- Increases the Health by 20%
- Removes all debuffs from all allies after using a Special Skill
- Grants Orwind 400 mana at the start of a battle
- Adds a chance to increase the effectiveness of Orwind's basic heals
Unique event
There will be a special upgrade event with the goal to level up Orwind as well as her talisman and artifact.
The most dedicated Rulers can obtain a very special equipment set that increases the effectiveness of Orwind's healing capabilities as well as the duration of his healing over time buffs.
Also, additional shop will become available during the second part of the event. Here players can use Owl Tokens and Explosives to purchase valuable rewards.
In raids, the auto-battle function has appeared.